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Dear Presidents, Dear Friends,

I’m writing to you in view of our next meetings.We are living hard European times. However, though shyly, both at the national level (at least among some governments) and at the European level (within the European Commission and the European Parliament), the awareness of the need of a European political relaunch is growing.[...]
The first opportunity is a cultural-political one, and it comes from the relaunch of the Ventotene Manifesto's goals and principles evoked and celebrated by the newspapers and some political leaders during these days.[...]The second opportunity/challenge is an organizational one: it is represented by the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, next March 25th.


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Via Villa Glori 8 - 27100 Pavia
C.F. 80010170183 - Tel.: 0382 530045 - Email: mfe@mfe.it

© Movimento federalista europeo 2024