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Campaign for the European Federation

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The cornerstones of the unity and solidarity between Europeans are in great danger. Europe’s future hangs in the balance. Politics must find the right instruments to act now.

Europe needs a major European project capable of restarting growth and development on a continental scale and it also needs effective governance of the eurozone. Democratic legitimacy in Europe is another crucial issue that can no longer be ignored. The time has come for the states that share the euro to share political sovereignty, too.

The European citizens signing this appeal thus address
the men and women active
in the national and European institutions
, parties,
political movements, and civil society,
reminding them that it is in the interest of all the eurozone states

  • to promote and support, at European level, any initiative conducive to the creation of the supranational democratic political, financial and budgetary institutions that are now indispensable in order to promote development and employment policies and definitively overcome the crisis;
  • to create, in the shortest time possible, the four unions (banking, fiscal economic and political) necessary to complete the monetary union.


  • the creation of an autonomous budget for the eurozone, financed with own resources, both fiscal – like the tax on financial transactions and the carbon tax –, and debt instruments – like the issuing of eurobonds –, in order to finance a European plan for sustainable development that will launch the construction of  European infrastructure networks, promote renewable energy, invest in research and education, and tackle the problem of unemployment, particularly youth unemployment;

  • the possibility  for eurozone MEPs to vote on and  monitor the eurozone budget;

  • the signing of a “pre-constitutional” agreement between the eurozone countries, open to those wishing to participate, in which they will undertake to move from a provisional, intergovernmental government, to a democratic, federal one which will be responsible for currency, taxation and the economy of the eurozone;

  • the convening, in the near future, of aEuropean constituent assembly with a mandate to draw up the constitution of the federal union and lay down transitional rules to regulate the relations between the eurozone and the EU.



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