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Emmanuel Macron - Ministre de l'Économie, de l'Industrie et du Numérique and Sigmar Gabriel - Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Energie

Mr Ministers,

on behalf of the Italian section of the Union of the European Federalists (Movimento federalista europeo), let us express our welcome for your article about the need to build a "stronger eurozone as the core of a deepened EU", published on some European newspapers yesterday.

This is what we are claiming for through the Federalist Question Time by which we ask members of the European Parliament and of the national parliaments and political leaders to pledge their support to the federalist replies to some of the topical questions on the future of Europe put forward by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker in view of the next European Council.

Indeed, as you write, Europe needs changes to create a eurozone architecture that increasingly relies on common institutions, starting from an autonomous budget for the eurozone with its own financial revenues.

MFE will do whatever possible to contribute to mobilize the Italian public opinion, its political parties and national and European MPs to support initiatives like the one you have launched.

This is the only way to give Europe the chance to build an effective, democratic and able to act, federal union in the present European legislature.

With the expressions of our highest esteem and best regards


Giorgio Anselmi

President Movimento Federalista europeo

Franco Spoltore

Secretary general Movimento Federalista europeo


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